
Supports Nvidia Cards


Supports AMD Cards

Mining PricecoinX:

Mining PricecoinX is pretty straightforward. If you are currently mining other GPU coins or have mined GPU coins in the past, this process should be familiar. The majority of the configuration needed is up to the mining software you are using.

For example, if you mine on a Nvidia card with CCMiner, your run.bat file might look like this:

``` ccsolominer.exe -a allium -o stratum+tcp:// -u PLmcD86KKFTKyoMfDm5w1hsgKn7km8Cj1p -p c=PRCX ```

Note: The address format is different due to the pool running older versions. Our current pool (pool4u) does not support new addresses, so use a legacy address for now.

Generating a legacy address:

please navigate to Window ‣ Console and enter the following command:

``` getnewaddress "LabelName" legacy ```

This ensures you are mining PricecoinX properly. The need for a legacy address may change soon, and we'll update this website accordingly.

If you encounter any issues, please contact us on Discord.